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The DIY Guide to HVAC Cleaning and Maintenance

Jan 26

You can't turn on your heat or air conditioner throughout the year. A simple HVAC Oceanside inspection can assist you in ensuring that your HVAC system remains up and running.


Checking the condition of your heating and air conditioning system

A majority of people see HVAC systems as a mixed bag. When they're working and we are happy with it, but If it's not working, we hate it. A damaged HVAC system can be a hassle and costly to fix or replace.


Like many other essentials as well, once an HVAC installation is made the value of the system begins to decrease. Certain individuals are lucky and their HVAC has been in good working order for a long time; however, this isn't the case for most people.


It's good that frequent checks can prevent any malfunctions and help keep your HVAC system in good working order.


To do your HVAC inspection Follow the steps below.


1. Start with the temperature control.


Check that the thermostat is functioning properly before you begin. It is vital to make sure that the heating and cooling system functions as expected. Utilizing a Q-tip, thoroughly clean the thermostat.


2. Shut off the power.


You can turn off the power to the inside unit by locating the correct switch in your box for the breaker. Turn off the switch to turn off power to the outside unit. This is crucial because you'll need to dismantle your unit soon.


3. Get rid of any debris on the exterior of the unit


Make use of a screwdriver that has an adjustable wrench to remove the fan cage. Use a dry/wet vacuum to eliminate any debris or leaves from the car's interior.


4. If necessary, inspect and repair the fins.


For cleaning the fins use a spray hose to soak them in water from the inside of the unit. Utilizing a pressure washer isn't recommended because of the possibility of damage caused by the high pressure. For really filthy fins, a hardware store can offer fin-cleaning spray.


The fins must be straight to maintain a constant flow of air throughout the year. Utilize a butter knife to straighten the fins. Then glue the fan cage back on.


5. Make sure you clear the space around the unit.


The need to keep a 2-foot-wide space free of trees, shrubs, and other plants is a decent general rule of thumb. A piece of wood or plastic ought to be placed on top of the unit to protect the unit from debris falling onto it in the winter months.


Avoid inviting rodents into the enclosure by covering it because this is an open invitation.


6. The unit needs to be leveled.


The outdoor HVAC unit's location could change over time, just as the foundation of your home. A compressor that is not level could cause it to be damaged prematurely. Use rot-resistant, shims to level the unit.


7. The coil of the evaporator should be cleaned.


Then, go to. The evaporator coil's door should be opened in your unit's interior and dust it well. You can then clean the coil using a non-rinse cleanser that is readily available on the market. Drain pans must be flushed using hot soap and water.


8. Verify that the drain has been placed on the evaporator.


In addition, other issues may happen when the drain of the evaporator in your unit's interior becomes clogged. Clean the drain of any obstructions to the passage of runoff water with a wet/dry vacuum.


9. It is recommended to replace the filter on a regular basis.


A blocked filter may be the reason for an HVAC system malfunction. A dirty filter may do the most damage to your HVAC system if it's not updated regularly. Experts suggest changing your filter every two to three months, while some suggest it should be replaced every six months.


10. The End of the Road


Repair any leaks within the ductwork using duct tape If they're visible. Most of the rooms in your house must have air vents. Utilize a flashlight for checking for signs of debris like the feces of mice or mold.

AirTime Heating and Air Conditioning 

Oceanside, CA 

(760) 452-9414